
Pedro das Neves



Designing new futures in justice and citizen security policies

Sérgio Moro

Minister of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Brazil

ICPA Supporting the advancement of corrections throughout the globe

Peter Severin

President of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA)

Preparing Persons in Custody for a life without crime

Woo Ying-ming

Commissioner of Correctional Services, Hong Kong

The Florida Department of Corrections: ensuring communities safety through retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation and restoration

Mark S. Inch

Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections, The United States of America

A safe return to society as a goal: how can we achieve it?

Gerard Bakker

Director-General of the National Agency of Correctional Institutions (DJI), The Netherlands

Modernising and strenghtening the capacity of the federal and state level penitentiary systems

Fabiano Bordignon

General Director of the National Penitentiary Department (DEPEN) Brazil

State of Espírito Santo: a systems transformation of the state Penitentiary system

Luiz Carlos Cruz

Secretary of State for Justice, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Offenders rehabilitation and their contribution to the South-African society

Ronald Lamola

Minister of Justice and Correctional Services of South Africa

The APAC revolution: Prisons without guards, without police, without weapons, without violence, without corruption, without drugs, without discrimination

Valdeci Ferreira

Executive Director of the Brazilian Fraternity of Assistance to the Convicted, an entity that groups the APAC recovery centres in Brazil


The need for alternative measures to pre-trial detention: towards the realisation of common standards

Pedro Liberado & Joana Apóstolo

The need for alternative measures to pre-trial detention: towards the realisation of common standards

Pedro Liberado & Joana Apóstolo

Inmate’s family and community contacts: Beyond the rehabilitation speech, there is a real need for action…

Oliver Drews

Achieving Optimum Outcomes in Public-Private Partnerships

Andy Akrouche

Better technology in Public-Private Partnerships allow cost-savings for government


Challenges, Profile, Competencies and Training of the European Prison Officer of the 21st Century: a quick view over the PO21 Sector Skills Alliance

Pedro das Neves & Torben Adams

No one is left behind Personal thoughts on how to manage the COVID crisis in prison…

Dorin Muresan

Leadership skills development as a critical factor for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings

Tiago Leitão & Alexandra Gomes

Make Prisons more decent and respectful and prisoners will change their own lives

Martin Narey

Human dignity and privacy: ensuring compliance with the Nelson Mandela Rules (United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners) during body searches

OD Security

Evidence-informed practices for the prevention of criminal recidivism

Rodrigo Pantoja

Structuring Prison work and industries in Hungary


Judicial Strategy Against all Forms of Violent Extremism in Prison: Harmonised Guidelines for Judges

Enrico Sbriglia

Core correctional skills

Dr. Ioan Durnescu








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