Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community

Promoting the involvement of NGO’s in preventing and countering violent extremism in community settings

R2COM aims to foster and enhance the involvement of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). 
The project is enhancing the skills and competencies of NGO professionals in this vital field through tailored training programmes, and by developing and providing a specialised vulnerability to radicalisation and extremism assessment tool.

Beyond individual capacity-building, the project encourages collaboration and fosters dynamic partnerships among NGOs operating within Europe and beyond. Here the R2COM Network digital platform plays a pivotal role in connecting professionals dedicated to P/CVE. 
The network offers access to valuable resources, promotes peer relations, and facilitates collective efforts towards the shared goal of supporting individuals vulnerable to radicalisation, especially during the post-release phase.

