Santa’s Helper: Connecting Hearts Foundation Delivers Christmas Gifts for Children of Prisoners

This year, the Connecting Hearts Foundation has launched a Christmas initiative for children of prisoners. With the help of sponsors, it funds Christmas presents for children of inmates in Belgium and Northern Germany.

Worldwide, there are around 23 million children affected by imprisonment. In Europe, more than 2.000.000 children have a parent in prison. As children from disadvantaged families, they often are stigmatized at school and in society in general. They often feel alone. Some children are in need of therapy. It is important for them to believe that there is a place in their lives for goodness, the care of their parents and the whole community.

Connecting Hearts – Foundation for Children of Prisoners with the support of its partners, has been able to make arrangements with correctional institutions in two countries – Germany and Belgium so that inmates can wish their children a Merry Christmas and send them presents. In these two countries it is estimated that over 90.000 children are affected by an incarcerated father or mother (as of February 2021).

Currently, the “A Heart’s Desire” campaign is working to fulfil more than 150 wish lists. Parents can choose from a selection of gifts for different age categories, which will be purchased and delivered through the Foundation. Connecting Hearts is able to do this with the support of donations from its sponsors and the community. The organisation hopes to grow this initiative and extend it to more institutions and countries in the coming years.

Reading the heartfelt personal messages from imprisoned mothers to their children on the wish lists reminds us of the importance of maintaining this connection, especially during the holiday season when being together is cherished by many.

I am very pleased about the Connecting Hearts - Foundation for Children of Prisoners campaign. The incarceration of a father or mother is always a difficult time for children. Bringing joy to these kids with christmas presents is heartwarming.

Dr. Höfinghoff – Deputy Head JVA Billwerder Correctional Facility, Hamburg

The Connecting Hearts Foundation was founded by Oliver Drews, CEO of the Telio Group, based in Hamburg, Germany. Its aim is to raise awareness to the situation and to support projects that help empower these children and improve their lives through games, mentoring, better visitor situations and much more.

“Positive memories are essential for children,” says Drews. “We feel it is our responsibility to help them. Every euro donated is a valuable step towards giving the children of prisoners a happier childhood.”

Be a part of this campaign - Every donation counts.

Every donation goes towards projects that make a lasting difference in the lives of these children. Follow Connecting Hearts on LinkedInInstagram and X, to get updates about our supported projects.

If you would like to support “A Heart’s Desire” by the Connecting Hearts Foundation, please choose between, PayPal and bank transfer to the following accounts:


Connecting Hearts – Foundation for Children of Prisoners

IBAN: DE28 3702 0500 0007 7818 41
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft



About Connecting Hearts Foundation

Established in 2022 by Oliver Drews, CEO of Telio Group, the Connecting Hearts Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of children impacted by parental incarceration.

The aim of the foundation is to provide equal opportunities and support for these children, addressing their unique challenges, from isolation to the need for mentorship, therapy, and improved prison visiting environments. A second important objective is to raise awareness to the issue and to emphasise the social importance of the well-being of these children.

By focusing on the futures of these children, Connecting Hearts seeks to break the cycle of neglect that can perpetuate further incarceration, benefiting both the affected individuals and society at large.

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