Education may be expensive, but we all know where ignorance will take us
Pedro das Neves
The key(s) to the success of the humanitarian mission in criminal justice
Peter Maurer
President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Swedish correctional services: growing challenges in an era of change
Martin Holmgren
Director-General, Swedish Prison and Probation Service
Spain: Corrections reaps the rewards of investments and reforms in recent decades
Ángel Luis Ortiz González
Secretary General of Penitentiary Institutions, Spain
Santa Catarina correctional system makes progress on several fronts despite challenges
Leandro Lima
Secretary of State for Prison and Socio-Educational Administration, S.C., Brazil
From punishment to rehabilitation: Namibia as a beacon of modernity in Africa
Raphael T. Hamunyela
Commissioner-General, Namibian Correctional Service
Systemic change efforts in New Zealand Corrections are already bearing fruit
Jeremy Lightfoot
Chief Executive, Ara Poutama Aotearoa - Department of Corrections, New Zealand
How Iraqi Kurdistan prisons handle thousands of terrorism convicts
Ahmed Najmaddin Ahmed
Jurist and Director-General of Social Reform, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Risk-Need-Responsivity: How the RNR model is making a difference in public safety
James Bonta
Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology), Co-author of “The Psychology of Criminal Conduct” (RNR model), Canada
Change and humanization: Watchwords among community corrections professionals in the US
Brian Lovins
President of the Board of Directors, American Probation and Parole Association (APPA), USA
Leadership training as the foundation for correctional management excellence
Douglas Dretke
Executive Director, Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT), Sam Houston State University, USA
Experts' Panel
How different is Prison Officer training from the job’s current and future needs and challenges?
Pedro das Neves, Carolina Pereira & Ana M. Nascimento
Correctional staff training: the views of experts worldwide
Correctional staff training: the views of experts worldwide
Simon Bonk (with Arun Vanapalli & Laura McManus)
Correctional staff training: the views of experts worldwide
Didier Reynders, (European Commissioner for Justice)
Smart Prison: From Prison Digitalisation to Prison Using, Learning and Training Artificial Intelligence
Pia Puolakka
Smart Prison: From Prison Digitalisation to Prison Using, Learning and Training Artificial Intelligence
Dave Lageweg (Telio)
Electronic monitoring: Overcoming operational and logistical challenges during the pandemic
Jim Walker (GEOSATIS)
Extremist offender rehabilitation: Innovative, multiple and overlapping approaches as the path to success
Pedro Liberado & Vânia Sampaio
Artificial Intelligence on Trial
Francis Toye (Unilink)
Modernizing technology to facilitate integrated databases and online learning
Katrina I. Serpa (MHS Inc. Public Safety)
MHS Public Safety
Featured projects
PO21 European Prison Officers for the 21st Century
DIGICOR Digitalisation in corrections towards recidivism reduction initiative
LEADCOR Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings
PRETRIAD Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards
MIRAD Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement
INDEED Evidence-Based Model for Evaluation of Radicalisation Prevention and Mitigation