
Pretrial detention as “ultima ratio”: an imperative for Criminal Justice Systems

Pedro das Neves



The staff at the heart of the Missouri corrections culture transformation

Anne Precythe

President of the Correctional Leaders Association & Director of the Missouri Department of

Corrections, USA

Arraignment hearings guarantee human rights and avoid excessive pretrial detention in Brazil

Luís Geraldo Lanfredi

Deputy Judge of the Presidency of the National Council of Justice & Coordinator of the Department of

Monitoring and Inspection of the Prison System, Brazil

Elevating prison service based on an evolutionary and responsive strategy

Caron McCaffrey

Director-General of the Irish Prison Service & President of EuroPris (European Organisation of

Prison and Correctional Services)

Romanian prison system makes invaluable advances through foreign support

Dan Halchin

Director-general of the Romanian Penitentiary Administration

Supporting victims of crime and offenders through probation and mediation

Andrea Matoušková

Director-General of the Czech Probation and Mediation Service

In the field of pretrial detention "it is not enough to change the law.”

José Lopes da Mota

Judge in the Supreme Court of Justice, Portugal

Campaigning for Fairness, Equality and Justice: "A Marathon Worth Running"

Norman L. Reimer

Global CEO, Fair Trials

Experts' Panel

Pretrial detention overuse: the European way forward

Raquel Venâncio, Pedro Liberado, Pedro das Neves & Joana Apóstolo

On the application of pretrial detention: expert contributions from Europe and beyond

Noteworthy Practices

Pretrial Detention Reduction

Supportive pretrial supervision: how to shrink jails while making communities safer

David Hafetz & Tia Pooler

Toronto Bail Program: Reducing pretrial detention through supervision and support

David Scott

Brazil: Arraignment hearings have prevented more than 270,000 pretrial detentions since 2015

JUSTICE TRENDS editorial team

Understanding Ireland’s comparatively low rate of pretrial detention

Dr Mary Rogan

Legal aid upon arrest reduces pretrial detention in Nigeria

Bamidele Ibikunle

Pre-trial behaviour change intervention for men charged with domestic violence offences

Danielle Matsuo


Cloud-based correctional technology drives Morgan County's connected successes

Silas Deane (Tyler Technologies)

Risk assessment in Corrections

Larry Motiuk

Moving to digital workflows increases public safety efficiency and results

Mike Sparling (MHS Public Safety)

How technology can support 21st-century prison Systems

Francis Toye (Unilink)

Technology-driven prison education ultimately breaks the cycle of incarceration

Simon Bonk (Telio)

Preventing radicalisation in the context of pretrial detention

Josep García Coll & Pedro Liberado

Can digital transformation be a catalyst for operational transformation?

Patricia O’Hagan (Core Systems)

The Ghent Drug Treatment Court inspires sentencing alternatives in Belgium

Jorn Dangreau & Annemie Serlippens


Tyler Technologies

MHS Public Safety



Core Systems

Featured projects

HOPE Holistic Radicalisation Prevention Initiative

PRETRIAD Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards

DIGICOR Digitalisation in corrections towards recidivism reduction initiative

HORUS 360 iOS Intelligent Offender Management System

INDEED Evidence-Based Model for Evaluation of Radicalisation Prevention and Mitigation

LEADCOR Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings

MIRAD Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement

J-CAP Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions